Guduguntla Chandraiah & Mallamma Garla Foundation

The GCM Foundation was established in 2007 in memory of Sri Guduguntla Narayana, Smt Lakshmamma (our grandparents), Sri Guduguntla Chandraiah & Smt Mallamma (our parents). This was then registered as a charity in India on 22nd February 2007

🎉 Work for the betterment of under privileged & needy people "Back to Village; 2nd Innings"
Shakajipoor Projects, India
This project is headed by the GCM foundation, which was born out of a desire to give back to the community by founder trustee who grew up in Shakajipoor. Shakajipoor is a village in Telangana state, South India (approximately 110 km from Hyderabad) with a population of approximately 1000 people.
Our parents

Sri Guduguntla Chandraiah and Smt Guduguntla Mallamma

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Sri Rama Temple

Opening ceremony took place on
26th, 27th and 28th June 2010

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Eye Camp

Organised eye camp on 30th December 2010 in the Village

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COVID 19 support

Rice and essential items distribution in Village

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Projects in Village

Distribution of wet & dry dustbins

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Helping Youth

Provided cricket gear & other sports equipment to the village children

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Deverkonda Hospital Project One

Built 10 beded Infectious disease ward during Aids out break

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Deverkonda Hospital Project Two

Part sponsored for 10 beded ICU Unit during Covid out break

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Badrachalam Sri Rama Temple

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Visiting Village, School and more

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About GCM

The GCM Foundation was established in 2007 in memory of Sri Guduguntla Narayana, Smt Lakshmamma (our grandparents), Sri Guduguntla Chandraiah & Smt Mallamma (our parents). This was then registered as a charity in India on 22nd February 2007.
Work for the betterment of under privileged & needy people "Back to Village; 2nd Innings"
Aims and Objects:
The aims and objects for which this Non-profitable organisation is established are: Work for the betterment of under privileged & needy people Back to Village; 2nd Innings
This will be accomplished by :

Improve the standard of living of Shakajipoor villagers and surrounding areas situated in Telangana, Southern India. Villagers' needs are assessed during visits and prioritized list as below.
● Top priority is to have a place of worship "Temple"
● Temple can bring people together and build community spirit.
● Community Hall for gatherings.
● Opening a Primary care medical center to provide
● Basic medical care especially for the Elderly and children
● Improve general well being
● Health education and Preventive care
● Family planning.
● Eye camp to provide cataract surgery.
● Improve the existing small school with better facilities for Teachers.
● Pupils.
● Sports.
● Improve water supply
● Provide water tank.
● Sanitation.
● Improve roads
After discussing with the villagers we "founder members" of the GCM Foundation decided to create two wings of the foundation.
1 Religious & Spiritual wing.
2 Basic Life wing.

Where to stay

Hyderabad to Shakajipoor distance is 110 kilometers.
Journey time 2 to 2 and half hours by road Hyderabad is a very big city, plenty entertainment and good food.

Another option to look for is staying at Deverkonda, it is about 11 miles.
It takes about 45 minutes to 1 hour by road. Next option is staying at Village itself, with 3 bed roomed accommodation built with Gardens in one acre land adjacent to Sri Rama Temple.